We Help Farmers Navigate The Commodity Terrain

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Integrated information and leadership to help you succeed.

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Our Mission

Eradicating Uncertainty

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." –Benjamin Franklin

At Water Street we aim to educate our clients so they gain certainty and confidence in an ever changing terrain.

Building Understanding

We provide information from all aspects that impact the agriculture industry to help eliminate hurdles that occur. Our service helps to eliminate the hurdles that occur and direct the farmer toward clarity in the markets.

Creating Success

Everyone wants the best results. We want that for each of our clients. Our loyalty is always toward the best interest of our clients and we strive to provide success for all.

Our Founder

“Growing up on our family’s farm, I experienced first-hand the challenge of having twenty irons in the fire every day while also staying on top of the markets. For 30 years, my commitment has been to helping farmers navigate volatility by integrating information from across the market into straightforward, decisive client leadership.”

- Darren Frye, Founder and CEO

Who we are:

Water Street Solutions’ has provided agricultural leadership to operations for more than 30 years, helping farm leaders strengthen the business of their farms. Focused on education and leadership, we are committed to partnering with our clients as they guide their operations into the future.

In 1994, Darren and Becky Frye founded the business that would become Water Street Solutions and Water Street Advisory. Darren grew up on an innovative family farm in Illinois, where his passion for crop production fueled his desire for agriculture. In 1987, Darren and Becky decided to leave the family operation and focus on leading growers in the areas of fertilizer distribution, crop consulting, and eventually, commodity marketing.

Today, Water Street Solutions serves farmers across the Midwest – advising operations through the challenges they encounter while expanding and improving their farms.

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60 State Street, Suite 101, Peoria IL, 61602


Monday — Friday

7:00am — 4:00pm CDT



(309) 680-1200

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this website are solely those of Water Street Advisory. Client testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success. There is significant risk of loss involved in commodity futures and options trading and may not be suitable for all investors. You should always consider these risks and evaluate your suitability based on your financial condition.

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